$100M VSLs — How We Created A Raging Successful VSL Department at Mindvalley.com

NOT💡 — Due to popular demand, I am now offering double your high score calls. It’s a 60 minute zoom call with me where we brainstorm how to double the most amount money you’ve ever made in a month. It’s awesome. Mindset, VSLs, morning routines, advertising, campaigns, team whatever. I gotta go in there, we both figure it out, and you execute. If you’re interested, apply here ->https://www.peterkell.com/coaching. If I’m not at Max Capacity I’m happy to talk
October 1st, 2021,
I’m touching down in Tallinn Estonia and it’s a pretty difficult situation.
Mindvalley’s lead media buyer explains to me how they had dominated the world of online webinars, yet…
like many other companies in ad tech, their marketing models had collapsed after the iOS 14 update…
I’m thinking to myself….
You see 5 years ago I was an affiliate marketer. I didn’t have a “back end” to my business. So if I didn’t figure out how to make my advertising profitable on Day 1… my investors would kill me.
After a few years, I discovered that the secret to being one of the biggest affiliate marketers in the world was simply having a VSL (video sales letter) that prints cash.
I had brought on Jon Benson, (the inventor of the VSL) to partner and mentor me.
And after months of hard work, split testing, and failures…
One of my VSLs selling foot insoles cracked my first $100k/day in affiliate sales.
Shorly after hitting over $200k in a day in rev with only $140k in spend.
Needless to say I became absolutely obsessed with VSLs.

First $100k/day back in 2018
I committed my life to VSLs. Built a team to specialize in VSLs and (along with a HUGE amount of failures) went on to create monster campaigns in all sorts of niches. Pillows, Bed sheets, Smart Watches, TV Antennas, all sorts of Supplements and pet supplements.
All this practice uncovered a formula to inspiring strangers on the internet to solve their problems today. So we could easily bounce to any niche.
After a while, I’m thinking, “what am I doing selling other’s people products?”
So we launched a skincare brand (Brand name withheld for legal purposes) Created 3 VSLs that took us from $0-$40M in sales in 12 months.
It was incredible. Were were doing $4m/month by month three.
$100,000 per day everyday for 8 months in a row.
Finishing off our first year with $40,000,000 in sales before selling my share of the company.
This lead me to a simple truth.
Assuming all the foundation is in place, the only thing blocking you from a meteoric rise to success is that your ads sucks balls.
Listen, business is easy when you’re able to spend $80,000 between FB and Youtube and get $225,000 in revenue back.
And there are only a few key pieces of the puzzle you need to do that.
You need…
- World class product that solves a huge problem
- World class authority figure / spokesperson worth listening too
- A Mindblowing Founders Story (how the solution was discovered)
Take those pieces and mix that with world class copywriting and relentless determination & never-ending grit, persistence, and faith.
And you got yourself a meteoric company.
IDEA 💡: If you have all those pieces and would like us to built out a VSL Department that generates you an extra $3m-$4m per month in new customer sales. Please fill out this application form now. (Only 1 slot available)
“There Aint Nothing A VSL Cant Solve! Lets get to Work!”
I looked at Mindvalley, saw they had all the key pieces to creating the biggest campiagns and earth, and knew there is a way to transform this company.
Vishen and I struck a deal, I jumped on the team as Director of VSLs, opened a brand new VSL Division within the company and became obsessed with making Mindvalley the most legendary success story of all time.
Writing to myself every night.
- I am the greatest VSL producer of all time
- I am so happy and grateful now that our campaigns are easily and consistently making $100,000 per day in sales.
- I am so happy and grateful now that Mindvalley’s VSLs are now doing $4,000,000 per month in revenue
- I’m so fcking excited we’re changing the world!*
- I am writing new VSLs every single day for the greatest brand on the planet.
- Mindvalley is exploding to new revenues, new heights, and unlocking truly something amazing.
- This is the greatest opportunity I’ve ever had to grow in my whole life.
- This is the greatest opportunity I’ve ever had to contribute to the world in my whole life.
- I am brilliant. I am a genius. I am a marketing master.
- I am a internet marketing gangster.
- I am so excited for what we have going on.
- I am the greatest marketing on the planet
- This is what I’ve always dreamed of. This is why I’m here on this earth
- Nobody will ever forget what happened here at Mindvalley
- I cant believe the universe brought us together like this. Something Amazing is about to happen
The Big Picture Plan — Test Multiple Offers Then Focus
Mindvalley has so many offers. With so many amazing stories. Its hard to know what to start out focusing on.
We are selling a $79/month or $399/yr subscription offering the worlds greatest personal development courses.
So the plan is start out building 7 different VSLs for 7 of their top products to see which ones are the winners. Then when we hit that one banger. We focus in on that.
It was time to share with them the game plan…
“The goal is NOT to hit a home run swing. The goal is to just to take 40 home run swings. Because with VSLs. It’s not the 1st variation that changes your life. It’s the 40th variation that changes your life. Winning IS Swinging. Taking Epic Swings at Life is Winning.
So in December 2021 I decided to cancel my Christmas home to see my family. And spend 14–16 hour days of white knucking work so we could have a mountain of campaigns to test by the time everybody got back.
Swing and A Miss #1 — Wildfit
Wildfit was one of Mindvalley’s most popular products for it’s internal lists. Unfortunately the way we pitched it here just bombed. Swing and a miss. Onto the next one.
Swing and a Miss #2–10X and the One Legged Hero
This formula followed the old school VSLs from the VSL Bible. We thought it was going bang because it was such an inspiring story. However it tanked. -90% ROI. Swing and a miss.
Swing and A Miss #3 — Lifebook Version 1
Another beautiful VSL. That just didn’t crack. The formula behind this VSL worked so well. And it was such a beautiful sales pitch. And beautiful message and formula. Maybe it was something with my formula here.
Was close to working. But got to around -20% ROI and we just couldn’t get it to the place where we can hit HUGE scale. Swing and a Miss.
Swing and A Miss #4 — Become Focused & Indistractible
Another bombed.
Had a clickbait style intro which was poorly done because we got distracted from having too many things on our plate.
However the become Focused & Indistractible VSL itself is completely phenomenal and transformed by own productivity.
BIG WINNER! #1 — ***Superbrain — Boy with Broken Brain***
Winner! When we launched the Superbrain VSL we immediately knew we had a winner. Huge ROI straight out of the gate. And after 30 different variations tweaking and testing the intro and close. We nearly hit our first 6-figure /day campaign.
And more importantly, it gave believe throughout the entire Mindvalley department that VSLs were one of the major keys in getting this company to $200M/yr in sales.
Thank the lord for the phenominal success of this campiagn.
Pricing Split Test
As soon as we had Superbrain blasting. The next obvious thing for us to do was a massive price test.
For the first time it seemed Mindvalley had a consistent stream of presold buyers going to the new membership sales page. So put together a bunch of different pricing tests.
We mixed from Netflix, to Fabletics, to Coursera.
$19mo/$199/yr all the way to $79/mo to $399/yr.
After losing a load of money testing. We found that $79/mo — $399 for the year. On Tier 1 traffic was the way to go.
One of the ideas we had was if it’d be possible to take Mindvalley’s old advertising footage and use Descript.com to reorganize the story into a VSL that could become a big winner.
Would take a bit of time. But started recreating their old ads to see if we could find gold!
Swing & A Miss #5 — Be Extraordinary
WINNER #2!!! Duality
BOOM! All of a sudden we transformed an old webinar campaign into a winning VSL just by editig the story to follow one of our winning VSL formulas.
Swing and a Miss #6 — Longevity Blueprint:
Wsan’t a huge fan of how this VSL came out. ROI showed the same. Coldn’t get it to work.
Swing and A Miss #7 — MoneyEQ
Wow this story was so incredible. And this campiagn was so close to being profitable.
Unfortunately we just couldn’t get it to a point where it could really explode.
Swing and a Miss #8: The Mastery of Sleep
BIG WINNER #3!!!! Silva Ultramind Version 1
The most amazing thing that came from the white-knuckling Christmas grind was discovering Silva.
We cracked a HUGE ROI right out of the gate.
After getting this on Youtube we surpassed the big 6-figure/day milestone and began soaring in the next level of success.
The Bullet Point VSL

It’s April and Mindvalley’s media buying team is transforming in front of my eyes. Everyone was dialing in and becoming a world class rockstar.
We were all making variation after variation. Testing and optimizing beautifully together.
One day my copywriter Magic Jack Cambell and I are working our asses off when I get a call from the MV Executives.
They want us to shoot a VSL for Sonia Choquette. This amazing woman who wrote the book Ask Your Guides and created a new course on discovering your own inner intuition.
There was only one problem, she didn’t want a fully scripted VSL. She just wanted bullet points.
I had never done bullet points before. Everything had always been perfectly scripted. Was this possible?
I just read her book which taught me about different types of angels. And concluded Sonia is the Queen of Angels.
I have the phrase “God’s Plan” tattoo’d on my right forearm to help keep myself focused on getting my plans from a higher power.
I’m all about the Woo-Woo so Sonia’s my #1.
I gotta take care of her.
After some hardcore grinding we knocked the game plan out of the park, put together our first bulletpoint VSL and shot it.
It was fascinating to watch Sonia work with our bullet points. It was almost like we were dancing together.
She’d read my bullet, and then do her own dance in response. Then connect to my other bullet. And we would dance together back and forward for 3 hours. Gathering all kinda of amazing natural feeling footage to edit.
Swing And A Miss #9 — Sonia Choquette
We produced an absolutely beautiful VSL with Sonia. Unfortunately this version just couldn’t go the distance on advertising. Swing and a miss.
The Bullet Point VSL. Round 2

After the miss on Sonia’s VSL. I still felt like there was something to bulletpoints. So we tried together again to redo the Silva Ultramind VSL with Vishen.
I grabbed my journal and started writing affirmations for the life I am creating.
- This is going to be the greatest Silva campaign on the planet
- I am creating something absolutely brilliant and genius.
- I am the greatest marketer of all time.
- We are waking up early and taking this shit down.
- This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
- I am going so hardcore here.
- We are dominating this entire VSL
- We are going straight to the moon
- We are the greatest team on the planet
Magic Jack and I start getting all pumped up and working on the Bullet Point Silva VSL v6.
I didn’t have any new formulas I thought would work so I opened the first chapter of the Silva Mind Control book and started reverse engineering how that story was told.
I remember reading Silva’s book over 8 years ago. And I remember being so mindblown after reading the first chapter.
I’ve since discovered that rewriting the first chapter of the most famous books in the world is a surefire way to write an introduction to any VSL. Proven, unique, fresh, and stands the test of time.
Silva Ultramind went completely gangbusters right out of the gate. Instant monstrous ROI. Soaring past every high score I’ve ever had. And going on to be recognized by VidTao.com as the #1 Youtube campaign in the entire world. All generating new subscription revenue for Mindvalley’s amazing membership program.
One of the reason Silva works is because of it’s rich history. And thousands of its insane case studies. Vishen is also a trained actor, and is really really really good on camera. Many of his ads perform better than any of the other authority figures.
Over 33 million views now on this variation for Youtube alone. 100M+ views across all platforms
Swing and A Miss #10 — WILDFIT — Type 2 Diabetes
After a few more flopped variations of Wildfilt. I worked with Eric Edmedes to made this version focusing using Wildfit to help reverse their Type 2 Diabetes by using solid food priniples to heal their pancreas.
Was lucky enough to travel to Jordan to help shoot some “adventerous feeling leads” as well.

Swing and a Miss #11: Wildfit — The Oracle Gland VSL

It was a bleeding edge unique mechanism. Focusing how the pancreas evolved to know whether a winter season was coming.
WINNER #5!!!! Paul McKenna’s Everyday Bliss
One day I get a call from Vishen to shoot Paul Mckenna. After realizing that he was one of the biggest hypnotherapists of all time. I had to come down to work with him.
Jack and I worked on a BEAUTIFUL script based on the Silva VSL. And Paul absolutely LOVED it

Then we went to the park and filmed 35 leads of Paul spitting straight fire in the park.
I love them so much. They’re so beautiful.
On top of that Jack and I picked up Sonia Choquette and drove her 2 hours down to Arundel Castle to shoot 71 beautiful leads as well to help with her campaign.

Unfortunately, they were also a swing and a miss as well.
Discovering the No Script VSL — 8 VSLs in 4 Days

It’s July 2022 and I walk into Mindvalley University. It’s a month long transformational event. Where 1500 Mindvalley members get together to the majority of Mindvalley’s authors for a month worth of learning.
And I’m feeling amazing.
VSLs are a raging success. All the authors are there. Everyone knows how successful these campaigns have become and everyone wants to talk about blowing up their program as well.
But I had this big problem. I was meeting all these amazing authors with so many incredible stories, all with potential for monster campaigns. But I just didn’t have time to write for them all.
It got me thinking… all these authors know their story & their product like the back of their hand…
There has got to be a way to easily create a VSL so I can inspire the world to try all of these courses!

One night while having dinner with all the Mindvalley authors…
When suddenly I had an idea. Instead of writing scripts word for word….
“Which questions should we have to have asked Vishen to get him to say the exact same winning Silva VSL script?”
I pull out my laptop and I started to look at the winning Silva VSL Script we had written.
And began reverse engineering each statement to form a question that would have triggered him to spit fire.
I came up with a list of 28 questions. That just flowed so beautifully and so organically.
And jump into back to dinner and I’m sitting right next to one of the Mindvalley authors Juanpa. At that time I didn’t know anything about him.
I didn’t know anything about his program.
I looked at him and said… “So Juanpa….How did this life calling of yours all start?”
And each question begin to roll through his natural life story discovering his product.
After 15 minutes of Juanpa going to town. My jaw hat hit the floow.
Juanpa just shredded like 90% of a fire VSL in the first try!!!!
Its like we just extracted the VSL in the perfect order.
I’m like DAMN that was amazing! That was brilliant. What happened there??
I turned to one of my friends and say… WTF is going on here!
He says, “Peter, I think that’s called Interviewing….”
The next day I turn to the MV production team and tell them,
“Hey guys, I just discovered interviewing do you have any authors I can shoot with?
Hey why dont you do a video shoot with Tim Storey? He’s one of the Life Coaches to the Stars of Hollywood like Oprah and Robert Downey Jr.
We’re shooting a production with him tomorrow. I’ll book you can hour.
I dont know anything about Tim. I have nothing prepared. I dont even know what the course is called. What he’s about. I have no clue. I’m just thinking. Maybe if I pull out the information in the right natural way. Then it’ll be a raging success. But I’m like OK.
Looks like this guy knows his stuff like the back of his hand.
Swing & A Miss #12 — Tim Storey — The First No Script VSL

We start with the questions. And we just start ripping.
We tune into this frequency where we’re just vibrating on the same level.
And we just start flowing. He spits gold after gold. Gold after gold.
I couldn’t believe it. It was the most insane thing I’ve ever witnessed.
He just spit an incredible VSL in 1 shot. There was a couple of rookie mistake I made being my first time doing this.
But I was jumping for joy off the rocker. I couldn’t believe how incredible it was. It was AMAZING!
I get back. And I just go. “I want to shoot with everybody”.
Over the course of the next
Thats 10 in a row. I finished feeling like Mario who just got his star power. But the star power never wares off.
Never in my career had I heard of this before. It felt like a complete breakthrough for entire industry.
So it was time to put it to the test
Swing and a Miss #13 — Marisa Peer — No Script
Swing and A Miss #14 — Breathwork for Life — Niraj
Swing & A Miss #15 — Ultra Presence — Juanpa — No Script
Swing and A Miss #16 — Manifesting — Regan — No Script
Swing and A Miss #17 — Beyond Fasting — No Script
Swing and A Miss #18 — Course Pro — No Script
Swing and A Miss #19–10X — Lorenzo — No Script
Swing and A Miss #20 — Sonia Choquette VSL 2 — No Script
Swing and A Miss #21 — Paul McKenna — Total Confidence — No Script
Swing and A Miss #22 — Wildfit — No Script VSL
8 Swings And 8 Misses For The No-Script VSL Formula

Well that sucked.
Had to go back to the team and tell them the lessons learned.
First off. Apparently this whole “VSL God” Process is really only amazing for research. And also a really fun party trick to figure out someone’s life story.
More importantly. Turns out that if you want to create the biggest campaigns on the planet, everything needs to be fully and deeply throughout and perfectly orchestrated.
Sounding “Natural” and “Speaking from the Heart” is not even remotely as powerful as perfectly scripted copywriting.
5 Wins — 22 Misses — 27 Total Swings for 2023
What’s the moral of the story?
- It doesn’t matter how bad things are for whatever company size you’re in. You’re only 1 VSL away from exploding your business.
- VSLs are a grind of a game. It’s not the 1st variation that matters. It’s the 40th variation that’s going to take your life to that next dimention. Never give up.
- Interviews suck at high-level direct response VSLs.
What Are We Up To Today?
My team is in place, everything is systematized, and we are continuing to swing for Mindvalley every single day.
However, I do really love the challenge of turning around companies by creating the biggest campaigns of all time, systematizing the whole operation, then being free to go off and do it all over again for someone else.
So if you or anyone you know…
- Has a life-changing product that could be a multi-billion dollar company if customer acquisition was mastered…
- Has a bat-shit crazy founders story
- Is open to having a serious partner come in to transform the operation…
I’m very excited to announce that due to popular demand, I am now offering double your high score calls. It’s a 60 minute zoom call with me where we brainstorm how to double the most amount money you’ve ever made in a month. It’s awesome.
Mindset, VSLs, morning routines, advertising, campaigns, team whatever. I gotta go in there, we both figure it out, and you execute.
If you’re interested, apply here ->https://www.peterkell.com/coaching.. If I’m not at Max Capacity I’m happy to talk
Signing Off,
Peter Kell
Something Amazing is About to Happen
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