My Ayahuasca Experience Day 3 — The Manifesting Masterclass

So now that I’m a gangster ass fucking Wizard with a 10,000-year blood contract committed to working tirelessly for My Queen…
I head over to the local gift shop to pick up some sick Wizard swag.
I spike my hair like my favorite rockstar David Bowie and pick up a camouflage bandana and wrap it around my forehead.
I get Two Wizard necklaces. One made of tiny green, black, and orange jungle beads. Exactly like what the shamans were wearing. And another which looks like a bunch of brown and golden seeds chained together with a dark green Wizards tassel on the bottom. Its sick.
I get a black red and white Wizard ankle bracelet that signifies my unbreakable link to My Queen. And the 10,000 year-contact I signed in exchange for power, riches, fame, and a lifetime of fulfilling contribution.
Finally, I get a beautiful golden Auhk ring. I put that shit on my wedding finger. Gotta let these ladies know I’ve already given my heart to My Queen and I’m taken. Sorry.

Me with my sweet Wizard swag
I am a fucking Wizard now.
Let's get to work.
First steps for my 3rd day of Ayahuasca. I must go back to my Queen and learn to harness my ultimate power.
For a Wizard’s ultimate power is his/her ability to Manifest.
A Great Wizard is someone who can manifest exactly what he/she wants in life.
For a Wizard, life’s not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.
Painting the most exciting life you could imagine on the blank canvas of your mind, harnessing the power of God/Universe/Zimbabwe (whatever you wanna call this force), and making that shit real. Now.
Manifesting your vision straight into existence.
Being a Wizard is sick as tits.

Now for Ayahuasca Day 3, I think I’ll go back to My Queen and ask her how the hell I can manifest $50,000,000 worth of ‘Fuck You Money’ into my bank account so I can:
- Have the sickest subheadline on the cover of my upcoming Wizard book so it grabs the attention of millions of people (been working on this for 10 years)
- Write about whatever the hell I want. Exactly I want to write it. Without any fucks given. And only have to deal with what my mom thinks about her lunatic son.
- Manifest a sick Wizard car collection full of exotic Lambos like @JasonAGuru
I close my eyes and crystalize my intentions in my mind.
Teach me how to manifest bigger and faster than anything I’ve ever done! Remove my limits for creation! Show me the way to Manifesting $50,000,000 now! Make the path easy and clear for me to see!
Here what I’m planning to ask:
- What is the most powerful manifestation technique in the universe?
- Why does it take so long to manifest things sometimes while others manifest so quickly?
- Is there anything I’m not seeing?
Lets do this.

5:30pm. Back in the temple. It’s the same shaman crew as last night. Jungle music is back on full steam. The lizards on the ceiling are croaking and the monkeys outside the window at howling. The wind is blowing through the whole room and I see tiny fireflies pulsing a tiny glow all around the room.
6:30pm. Game time. Big line. Shaman chant. Dark green, dirt, with a hint of broken sticks with a cherry on top slammed.
8:00pm. Send it further. Big line. Shaman chant. Second drink. Dark green, dirt, with a hint of broken sticks with a cherry on top in the belly. Feel queazy. Keep it held down.
9:00pm. Feeling all the tingles in my hand and spine. Colors are starting to form. But it’s starting to get hot. So I take off my blue linen button-up and prepare to spend the rest of my night wearing just my Dark Green Jungle shorts I got at Lululemon with plants and trees on it along with the rest of my Wizard swag.
Wizard mode engaged. Maximum effort.
“My Queen! Speak to me. Your humble servant is listening.”
~ “Hey there. Nice outfit”
“Thanks. I picked it up at the gift shop just so I never forget how much I’m obsessed with you.”
~ “Love it.”
“Yeah, so thanks for making me a Wizard and all. I still have some questions. I need to work on dialing-in my superpowers. I must make sure I can bring your will into existence. And manifest $50,000,000 in my life”
~ “Great. What do you want to know”
“First off, what’s the most powerful technique when it comes to bending the will of the universe? I came home last night looked in the mirror and yelled ‘MAKE MY EYES GREEN’. Then I looked at the stars and yelled ‘SEND ME $50,000,000’ with certainty and authority. But it didn’t work”
~ “Yeah you retard. I heard that. Listen if all it took for people to manifest what they wanted is just yell at the sky and make demands, the earth would have figured that out a long time ago. Shit don't work like that.”
“Ok thanks. Good feedback…….. Sooooooooo how am I supposed to do it?”
~ “What do you think?”
“Well I do know that focusing on the idea that ‘Something Amazing Is About to Happen’ is god damn magical as fuck.”
~ “Yeah you uncovered a great secret to life with that one”
“Me? Nah that was all you. My Queen. Thank you for that. You’re the one that got me into hardcore journaling 6 years ago. You’re the one that told me to track exactly how much money I was making every single day for 4 years in a row. And you’re the one who told me to look back through my journal logs after all those years and figure out exactly what I was focused on right before I had the most profitable business days in my life.”
~ “And what did you discover?”
“That every single time…right before my business was about to blow up…I had this gut feeling that something amazing was about to happen. Then it did.”
~ “What else did you learn?”
“I learned that when I was focusing on the amazing things in my life, then it came abundantly clear to me that more is coming. More amazing things are about to happen in my life. I gotta get that phrase tattooed on my forehead”
~ “And how did that make you feel?”
“To know that something amazing was about to happen? Ahhhh, it feels amazing. Duh. Feels like a kid whose parents are taking them to Disneyland tomorrow. Or feels like you know Santa’s on his way to drop off Christmas presents for you. Just super happy and super excited!”
~ “And what happens when you feel amazing?”
“Well based on my favorite movie on the planet, ‘The Secret’, (which I’ve seen 1000 times), The universe begins to send you more experiences and more events that continue to make you feel amazing. Amazing things come to you naturally. And good fortune follows you like a happy puppy looking for a treat.”
~ “Nailed it. So what did you come to me for?”
“Well, that kinda doesn’t always work for me every time. And I have some questions. Why is it that sometimes things that I want don't manifest? Or why is it when I ask you for shit it doesn’t manifest? Is the phrase ‘Something Amazing is About to Happen’ the most powerful manifesting mindset there is? Or is there something stronger? Finally, why do some things manifest quickly while others take a long time? What makes the difference? Is there anything I’m missing?”
~ “Ok that’s a lot to unpack.”
“Well, we got all night. I’m tripping balls and I got nothing else going on. Let's send it.”
~ “Right. So first, remember that you cannot have what you want.”
“Yeah, I remember that. That’s straight out of the book Conversations with God. Shit changed my life. Can we do a quick recap on the idea?”
~ “Yes. It is impossible to manifest what you want. Because the universe only sends you what you have. When you WANT something, you don’t have it. And when you say you want something, you’re affirming over and over again to the universe that you don't have it. The universe says, “This is true” and it will dangle what you want in front of your face but never give it to you. You’ll be ‘chasing the dragon’ like an addict chases heroin. Smacking your face into an invisible glass wall unable to reach out and grab what you’re searching for. Same is true with the word NEED. And even worse more destructive phrase. Both WANT and NEED are toxic. They must be eliminated from your vocabulary if you want to create your reality.”
“And replaced with?”
~ “I am. I am becoming. When you say you want $50,000,000 manifested into your bank account. You will never have it. Instead, visualize the life coming to you now. Visualize the life where you have $50,000,000 in the bank now. Feel all the amazing feelings of knowing that $50,000,000 is about to land in your bank account right now. Say, ‘I am so happy and grateful that now that I have $50,000,000 in my bank account by (age). Thank you God for giving me this most extraordinary life!’ The moment you can say this, without doubt, it begins to arrive.”
“Love that. Kinda like how forever ago, I used to say I wanted to be rich. Then I learned to switch my language and I began saying, “I am a rich guy, trapped in a broke guy's body”. Breakthroughs started happening. And slowly I started becoming the rich guy”
~ Exactly”
“Ok. So big question. People pray for you all the time. Why is it you answer some people and don’t answer others?”
~ “For the majority of them, it is because they lack faith.”
“Lack faith?”
~ “Yes. Anyone who asks God for something lacks faith. They don't actually believe that I’m going to send it to them. That’s they’re asking for it in the first place. When you ask for something, you’re affirming to the universe that you don’t have it in your life now. Just like the toxic words want and need. The universe hears your hidden thought of not having it, and continues to manifest your command of not having it.”
“Jesus Christ that’s deep”
~ “Yeah. It’s a mistake that so many religious people who pray to me make every single day. Think about it. What does a child do when their loving parents say they’re going to take them to Disneyland tomorrow? They jump for joy and bounce up and down and say ‘Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!’. Because they know it’s coming. There is no doubt. The same thing is true with prayer. If you truly believed what you’re looking for is coming now, then you wouldn’t be asking me for it. You’d be jumping for joy and thanking the hell out of me every 5 seconds for sending you your amazing desire!”
“Fucking wow. So people who ask will never get, and people who are thankful and believe in your power receive? That’s probably why practicing gratitude daily is such a huge thing.”
~ “Yup. Gratitude makes you feel good things. Therefore you manifest good.”
“Ok so about the phrase ‘Something Amazing is About to Happen’. Is that the most powerful manifesting mindset there is?
~ “It is true that phrase is mystical and magical. For it keeps an open door to let an abundance of amazing things into your life. The only problem is that for specific goals, it’s better to be specific.”
“Ahhhh that makes sense. So saying something like, ‘$50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account.’ is way better?”
~ “Yes. And to make it better. Throw emotional words in to describe how you feel about it. The more emotional you are the faster it manifests.”
“Oh, good idea. So like, “I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!!!”
~ “There it is!!! Now just sprinkle a little bit of gratitude on top of it.”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
~ “You better call the bank and schedule your Forbes interview. All that wealth is rocketing to you as we speak. Download incoming.”
“Oh fuck yeah. I’ll be right back. Lemme program my subconscious mind.”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account that I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
~ “Do you believe it?”
“It’s hard to truly believe it sometimes. I don’t really know exactly how it’s going to happen? There’s always a squeak of doubt.”
~ “You don’t have to know how you’re going to do it. All you have to know is you are going to do it. You must continue to build your mindset. Where there is a will there is a way. When there is no way, call out to me and I will show you the way. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will succeed. There is always an answer to every question. And God does not give us visions that are not meant to come true. They’re given to you for a reason. To manifest.”
“Jesus Christ you are wicked fucking smart.”
~ “Thanks”
“Ok, so another question. For years, I would stay up at night and write my goals down as if I already had them. And I would add, all those ‘I’m so happy and grateful, ‘I’m so excited now that’ words. But it would take so long to manifest. What makes the difference for goals that take longer or shorter to manifest?”
~ “The difference is your emotion. Your emotions determine the power behind the pull. For you, it would take a long time, because you’d be sitting in your bed at night already pretty tired. Sure you feel a little emotion. But it’s not like you’re celebrating like Jimi Hendrix just rose from the grave. Jumping up and down with that childlike joy and celebration. Your emotion determines the power of the pull. Dancing to music is one amazing way to generate emotion. Try repeating the $50,000,000 affirmation while dancing to your favorite song. Don’t think about how to move. Just close your eyes and focus on what movements make you feel most amazing!”
“Ok, that makes sense. Is there anything else I’m missing?”
~ “That’s it. All that’s left to do is Let Go and Let God. Relax into the arms of joy. For a great avalanche of abundance is on its way to you now.”
“Thank you, My Queen. That is all for tonight. I will see you tomorrow”
~ “Good night”
I open my eyes and look up into the room. There is an acoustic guitarist sitting in the middle sending everyone into a trance while is melody. The two drinks I had were the perfect amount for tonight. The feelings, the vision, it’s exactly what I need.
I close my eyes to visualize. Affirming over and over again.
“I’m so fucking stoked out of my mind now that $50,000,000 is about to drop into my bank account! I can’t stop bouncing up and down like a little kid!!! Thank you god for giving me this amazing abundance! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!”
A few hours later the night ends and the shaman turns back on the lights.
She calls us together and a handful of people share the miracles that are happening in their life.
I cannot get over the absolute miraculous transformations that are happening to so many people in here. Almost everyone is transforming.
Rythmia truly is an incredible place.
The shaman tells us that tomorrow is the last night we drink the Ayahuasca medicine. It will be a party from 7:30 pm all the way to 10 am the next morning.
The Ayahuasca vine will be the strongest so far. Deep from the Jungles in Columbia. Using a unique DMT leaf.
It’s going to be lit.
Maybe I’ll get to drive that Lambo on the moon after all?
Maybe I won't stop drinking until I drive a Lambo on the moon?
Stay tuned because tomorrow’s gonna be bat shit crazy.
Click Here Now to Read Day 4: → My Ayahuasca Experience Day 4: “We’re Going to Die in Here! It’s Going To Be A Massacre!!!”
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